This week we got some great news!! We had been waiting all weekend for the results of the repeat tests they had to do last thursday, this test was crucial. It would tell us whether Tommy was still in remission like they thought, or that he was one in a million that the leukemia comes back in the first month. So the doctor finally called us tuesday morning to tell us the good news. They couldn't find any signs of leukemia in Tommy's blood, that is such a blessing! We are so relieved and grateful for all of your prayers.
So the next step is starting the cosolidation phase, we started tuesday. He got his regular dose of chemo, the Vincristin and he will also have to take a chemo pill called 6MP every day for the next month. The side effects for this one are mouth sores (so fun), vomiting and nausea, skin rashes or acne, and low blood cell counts. So the next month sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun, so we are going to live up the next week or so until these side effects kick in. Unfotunately his counts will start to drop again, and he probably won't be back to school as much as he has been. He has absolutely loved the few days he has been able to go, to see his friends and feel like a normal kid again. I have to say I have loved the break too! We will have to go back to being very careful where we go, who comes over, and major hand washing!!
It is such great news that he is in remission, unfortunately it won't get a lot easier for at least 5 or 6 more months. A lot of you have been wondering what is to come. Here is a little rundown of what I know so far. These first 6 months (if everything goes as expected, without any major sicknesses or delays) Tommy will go to the hospital for chemo and back pokes, muscle shots, bone marrow biopsies etc. once a week. He will continue taking his chemo pills at home everyday too, and he takes an antibiotic also. Once we hit the maintenance phase, which is usually about 6 months into the treatment, Tommy will only have to go up to the hospital once a month for chemo. I think he has to take this chemo pill everyday too, don't know for sure, and the steroid will be reintroduced throughout the process for short increments as well. So that is as fun as our next 3 years gets!! As long as I can get through these first 6 months, we will be wonderful!! Heck, if i can get through this blasted COLD weather and actually go outside, we will be in heaven. We are a little stir crazy around here. There are only so many puzzles you can put together, stories you can read, movies you can watch, games you can play, and wii games we can beat before we start getting a little bored. I have to say I am pretty proud of myself, I have helped Tommy beat all the levels of Lego Indiana Jones!! Ya, I know I am not the gaming person, I have to admit that I did have fun. There were days that Tommy and I would sit and play that for hours, that is how pathetic my life has gotten.
I have learned a lot in this short 6 weeks, I have learned more patience, unconditional love, more compassion, I've learned a lot more about Leukemia through my hours of research, obviously how to play the wii, how to be a nurse, a mom, a waitress, a wife, a friend, and a crazy person all in one day! WE definitely have our good days and bad days. It's definitely not easy, and i wanna to roll over and die sometimes, but I figure if Tommy is tough enough to handle all that he is going through, I can do it too. It's all worth it, as long as my little guy is alright. We love you little Tommy, "TJ". You're gonna beat this thing...Kick cancer's butt!!