Tommy had to go to the Er the other night because of a fever, it finally happened. All those nights of checking his temp 3 times a night and worrying that we'd have to make the trip to Primary's. He had had a fever all day below 100.3, then about 9 that night it got to 100.3. The doctors say that if it stays at 100.3 for an hour, you have to bring him up to the ER. So Tom had just barely walked in the door from Wyoming, and off he went for a long night at the ER with Tommy, what a trooper! They had to wait in the ER with all these RSV kids, that is a little worrisome. I think they were there a total of 6 hours, for what ended up being a stinkin' ear infection! That is a little frustrating don't you think? I know they need to keep these kids healthy and they are making sure it's nothing too serious before it becomes something serious, but come on! They need to have a different set-up, like open the clinic, check the blood counts, give them their antibiotics, and send them on their way...In a perfect world I guess. So he was given his antibiotics and was on his way, he is feeling A LOT better since then. We we go in again this week for another additional intesified dose of Methotrexate Chemo, and just waiting to get those fun mouth sores again. His counts are dropping substantially each time, which is what they expect over this course. So here we go into Spring and great weather, and Tommy's going to start feeling yucky again...Good Times! I am just grateful that he has had so many good days, and many yet to come, I'm sure. It could always be worse, right? I think everytime we go to the clinic, there is a little child that has it worse than Tommy, it really makes you grateful. We love our little Tommy and are so grateful that he is such a stud! Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!
7 years ago
Heidi - You are such a trooper. I admire you so much. Being a mom is a tough job as it is without your added responsibilities and stresses. Hang in there. Lots of prayers for you and Tommy.