Thursday, June 4, 2009

Almost there.....!

This last couple of weeks have been really intense with Tommy's treatments, hence the name Delayed Intensification. Last week we started Thursday with a new regimen, new chemo pill that he takes for the consecutive 14 days, he was given a couple new IV chemo's as well. One is called Cytoxin, which takes about an hour to run through because it is so toxic, and the other is Ara-C which he got last Thursday and the following 3 days, through Sunday. We do the same thing starting today again too, and get chemo thru Sunday. The main side effect for these are nausea, hair loss (what hair?), and low blood counts. Today we went up for some more fun up at Primary's, and got some more chemo. Tommy had to get a blood transfusion again, his hematacrit was low. It is always scary to have to watch them do that, they warn you of course of all the side effects like an allergic reaction, fevers, fainting, nausea, difficulty breathing, paleness, chest pain, oozing at the site (mmmmm...). The nurses watch him very closely while you're there, doing vitals every 15 minutes, for the hour and a half. Then you have to watch him closely at home for the next 24-48 hours. That's when it scares me, when he's home and he has some wierd reaction. He'll be fine, right? So we ended up staying there today for 7 hours! We watched a few movies, ate some lunch, played video games, teased the nurses. And the funny thing, when it was time to go home, Tommy still wasn't ready. I think he should just move in up there, and we can visit. He is so happy there, probably because he gets whatever he wants, and gets to watch movies and play video games all day which he doesn't get to do at home. The nurses and doctors do love him though, how could you not. It was so cute after he got his blood, all the nurses were coming over to see him and saying how pink his cheeks were. I don't know if it was from the blood or if he was blushing, so cute.
He has had a good couple of weeks, only one sick day and lots of running around with buddies. The chemo's haven't bothered him too much yet, other than his low blood counts. I love talking to Dr. Barnette whenever we go in, he is so optomistic, he says he'll just fly through this. Usually he does, but this next couple weeks I'm a little more nervous about. The GREAT NEWS is.... We get 2 weeks off from clinic for him to recover and his counts then...Da da da da.... Off to MAINTENANCE!!!!! As long as his ANC is above 750 he can go into maintenance, and then life will get "SO MUCH EASIER", at least that is all we keep hearing. It better!!! We are ready to have a little more of a life. This has really tied us down a lot, not a lot of traveling, Tommy has missed out on a lot of opportunities, and we have to. It sure has been a blessing at the same time though, in all honesty. It has taught us a lot about what life is all about, not to waste it away. We have all tried to be a lot healthier, and to love those around us with all of our hearts. I hope we can remember this experience and grow from it, and to always remember what we have learned from it. That is the only way we will learn in this tough life, if we smile through our trials and learn from them. "Come what may and love it", right?
I am so proud of Tommy. My little 5 year old has taught me more than I ever thought a little boy could. He is so strong, and he never complains, his attitude is so great and he just never gives up. I won't ever let him forget that either, NEVER GIVE UP! After this experience that kid can get through anything. He is and always will be my HERO.
One more thought, we have started a team for the Light the Night Walk, it's called Team Tommy.
Light The Night Walk is The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's evening walk and fundraising event. It is the nation's night to pay tribute and bring hope to thousands of people battling blood cancers and to commemorate loved ones lost. The date was changed to Friday Oct. 2 instead of Saturday because of General Conference. Join us, it will be a fun, and very meaningful night. If you can't attend, please donate to the cause. Thank you!
Here is the link:

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